
  • 5月31日星期五

    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, ham, chicken, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slices of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 Cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  • 6月3日星期一

    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Mac & 奶酪和烤箱烤西兰花
    也可用, 鸡块和薯条
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Mac & Cheese, Oven Roasted Broccoli, Chicken Nuggets, 水果
  • 周二. 6月4日

    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - TBD
    也可用, TBD
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - TBD
  1. 太阳
  2. 我的
  3. 星期二
  4. 结婚
  5. 星期四
  6. 星期五
  1. 28
  2. 29
  3. 30
  4. 1


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Oven Roasted Chicken, Whipped Potatoes w/Chicken Gravy, Buttered Corn
    也可用, 排骨三明治
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Oven Roasted Chicken, Whipped Potatoes w/Chicken Gravy, 水果
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  5. 2


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 鸡肉西兰花米饭砂锅
    也可用, 火鸡 & 奶酪百吉饼
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 火鸡 & 芝士百吉饼,薯片,水果
    甜点, 苹果脆
  6. 3


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, chicken, ham, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slices of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 Cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  7. 4
  1. 5
  2. 6


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Top Your Own Burger Bar (番茄, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, bacon, mushrooms), 星期五es
    也可用, 咖喱鸡配馕饼
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Beef Burger (番茄, lettuce, cheese, pickles), 芯片、水果
  3. 7


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 在你自己的玉米卷上放上生菜丝, 碎奶酪, 西红柿, 萨尔萨舞, 鳄梨色拉酱, 酸奶油, 墨西哥辣椒, 黑橄榄, 牛肉或鸡肉)炒豆, 西班牙大米
    也可用, 香肠 & 胡椒三明治
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 牛肉卷(生菜丝), 碎奶酪, 番茄, 酸奶油), 炸豆泥, 西班牙大米, 水果
  4. 8


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Open Faced Roast Beef, Whipped Potatoes w/Beef Gravy, Green Beans
    也可用, 脆皮鸡肉三明治
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 脆皮鸡肉三明治, Carrots, 水果
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  5. 9


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 牛肉西红柿通心粉,大蒜面包
    也可用, 迷你玉米热狗配薯条
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 牛肉西红柿通心粉,大蒜面包, Veggie, 水果
    甜点, 香蕉奶油派
  6. 10


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, chicken, ham, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slice of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 Cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  7. 11
  1. 12
  2. 13


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Mac & 奶酪和烤箱烤西兰花
    也可用, 鸡块和薯条
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Mac & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Oven Roasted Broccoli, 水果
  3. 14


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Top Your Own Pasta Bar (chicken, meatballs, mushroom, 西兰花, alfredo, marinara, breadstick)
    也可用, 肉丸子
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 意大利面 & 肉丸,西兰花,面包棒,水果
  4. 15


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Chicken Drumsticks, Scalloped Potatoes, Buttered Peas
    也可用, 牛排包装
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Chicken Drumstick, Scalloped Potatoes, Buttered Peas, 水果
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  5. 16


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Top Your Own Baked Potato Bar (mushrooms, 西兰花, 辣椒, 芝士酱, 培根比特, 黄油, 碎奶酪, 葱, 酸奶油)
    也可用, 披萨汉堡
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Half of a Baked Potato (芝士酱, 酸奶油, 黄油), Cup of 辣椒 w/Crackers, Broccoli, 水果
    甜点, 巧克力蛋糕
  6. 17


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, ham, chicken, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slices of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 Cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  7. 18
  1. 19
  2. 20


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 鸡肉捞面配蛋卷
    也可用, 鸡肉凯撒卷
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 鸡肉凯撒卷(lettuce, 番茄, cheese, caesar dressing), 芯片、水果
  3. 21


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 在你自己的墨西哥卷饼(牛肉或鸡肉)上加馅料, 切碎的生菜, 碎奶酪, 番茄, 萨尔萨舞, 鳄梨色拉酱, 酸奶油)炒豆, 西班牙大米
    也可用, 鸡肉帕尔马干酪三明治
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st -  牛肉卷(生菜丝), 碎奶酪, 番茄, 酸奶油), 炸豆泥, 西班牙大米
  4. 22


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Oven Roasted Chicken, Whipped Potatoes w/Chicken Gravy, Buttered Corn
    也可用, 辣椒 & 奶酪热狗
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Oven Roasted Chicken, Whipped Potatoes w/Chicken Gravy, Buttered Corn, 水果
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  5. 23


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 蔬菜意大利面和大蒜面包
    也可用, 烤鸡三明治
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - Veggie Pasta Toss, Garlic Bread, Grilled Chicken Patty, 水果
    甜点, 波士顿奶油派
  6. 24


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, chicken, ham, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slices of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  7. 25
  1. 26
  2. 27


  3. 28


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Top Your Own Pasta Bar (mushrooms, 西兰花, alfredo, marinara, meatballs, chicken, breadstick)
    也可用, 烤芝士三明治
    汤, 烤芝士三明治, Cup of Tomato Soup. 芯片、水果
  4. 29


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - Open Faced Roasted Beef, Whipped Potatoes w/Beef Gravy, Green Beans
    也可用, 脆皮鸡肉三明治 (lettuce, 番茄, cheese, pickles, onions)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 脆皮鸡肉三明治 (lettuce, 番茄, cheese, pickles), 芯片、水果
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  5. 30


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 鸡肉炒饭配锅贴
    也可用, 炒牛肉酱 
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 邋遢乔,胡萝卜,薯片,水果
    甜点, 布朗尼
  6. 31


    早餐- - - 厨师的选择
    午餐- - - - - - 敬礼! Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon)
    也可用, Assorted Subs (italian, ham, chicken, steak)
    汤, 厨师的选择
    PK-1st - 2 Slices of Cheese Pizza, Cucumber Coins, 水果 Cup
    甜点, 厨师乔的饼干
  7. 1



  • 早餐

    每天早上7:30-8:10供应.m. 在餐厅
  • PreK-1st年级

  • 餐厅午餐

    自制汤(10盎司.): $2.00
    新鲜沙拉吧:0美元.65/oz. $5.15个最大
    熟食吧:0美元.90/oz. $6.10最大



  • 设置你的SchoolCafe帐户

    • 下载 苹果iOS or GooglePlay app或使用 Schoolcafe.com
    • If you use your gmail or applemail account to log in you can avoid the security question steps.
    • 家庭通过以下方式将资金存入账户:
      • Using the app or the SchoolCafé website (with a $2.每100元25服务费). Configure a low balance notification during the process and then tie your credit card to the account if you wish to fund the account electronically.
      • Drop off cash or a check made out to Lynn’s 午餐box LLC at the register
      • Deliver a check made out to Lynn’s 午餐box LLC or the business office to either Renee Buchanan or Jim Kirtland
    • Anyone you designate can set up an account to add funds for your child. Spouse, Grandparents or the student themselves.
  • Options for managing your student(s) account

    There are no “family accounts” in School Cafe, but you can use one of your children’s accounts and share their PIN with your other children if you like. The low-balance alert still works but you do not get the per-child purchase tracking. It will only show as the single user making all the purchases.

    If you use the app or website, you can also transfer funds between children’s accounts. 但首先, you must electronically add funds to each child’s account at least one time to transfer funds between accounts. This activity verifies the accounts to enable this feature. After that step, you can easily distribute funds in the app.
  • 限制学生购买

    联系Tabitha Fields tfields@amruthsaifoods.com to add cashier notifications to your student’s account to restrict purchases of specific items, restrict to cash only purchases or to note dietary restrictions. A red flag will appear for the cashier when your student inputs their PIN for the cashier to read and enforce.
莫米山谷乡村走读学校 is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.