
  • 课外活动 Reflect Student Interests

    Getting Involved in Middle School
Middle School is an ideal time for students to 探索和扩展 在他们 个人利益. We recognize that our student body is a melting pot of backgrounds, 的优势, 以及创造能力. 
Our goal is help students hone their passions and serve as facilitators for their imaginations.

The majority of our clubs are student-proposed so they serve as an accurate reflection of our students. If a student has a particular interest or skill that isn't served by a current club, 他或她可以和一个 顾问 创建一个. Depending upon the nature of the club, students and teachers meet during lunch, 空闲时间, 或者放学后.

A few of clubs are staples to the Middle School; however, due to the fluctuating nature of student interest and leadership, clubs may not be the same from year to year. Some short-term clubs have included screenwriting, zombie apocalypse, mythology, and flag football.

A Sampling of Middle School 俱乐部


  • 交替历史俱乐部

  • 艺术俱乐部

    Students are given the opportunity to work with the art teacher to further develop their art skills and create a variety of projects.
  • 篮球技术发展

    Students learn and develop basketball skills, drills, and activities.
  • 国际象棋俱乐部

    Students learn to use multiple pieces to check mate their opponent, 国际象棋的符号, and when exchange of material is an advantage.
  • 编程与计算机科学

    Using Hopscotch, students learn logic and fundamentals. They will build a simple game, and learn coding and design concepts.
  • Girls field hockey skills development

    Players will learn the basic skills and techniques of field hockey.
  • Girls Intermediate Field Hockey Skills Development

    The 5th and 6th grade girls field hockey program will teach skills and practice drills, 有趣的比赛, 规则, 策略, 还有球队间的比赛.
  • 高尔夫和网球

    This class creates a love for golf and tennis while having fun learning the fundamentals.
  • 杂耍和魔术

    Learn to juggle and perform magic tricks! Includes juggling balls and magic supplies.
  • 文学俱乐部


    MATHCOUNTS, is a nationwide middle school mathematics competition held in various places in the United States. Its founding sponsors include the CNA Foundation, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Our middle school students have the opportunity to compete against area schools in individual and group competitions.
  • 机器人

    Middle School students are part of the 机器人 team that competes annually in Fargo, North Dakota. Students design and promote their own robot that has to perform a predetermined task.
  • 学生会

    Leadership is an important skill we try to hone in students throughout their time at Maumee Valley. 像这样, student council members work together to make the Middle School a more engaging and fun environment for everyone. Tasks include putting on social events and suggesting new ideas based on peer demand. They also hold votes, generate discussion among students, and work with 顾问s to plan events.



  • 参与思想和身体

Our athletic program focuses on the participation and development of our student-athletes. We believe athletic opportunities help supplement the great education students receive in the classroom. Our coaches work to build teamwork, 良好的计划, 策略, and skill but also work to develop real-life tools through sport. Our student athletes can take with them as they move beyond the walls of the Middle School. 学生可参与:
  • Fall sports: Cross country, soccer and field hockey
  • 冬季运动:篮球
  • 春季运动:田径
For a full schedule of upcoming Middle School athletics, visit the 体育日历.


  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    For more information contact us at admissions@mvcds.或致电419-381-1313.
莫米山谷乡村走读学校 is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.